On the Brighter Side

A place to feel motivated and inspired ♥


What is detachment?  I see it as a way of pulling back so that you don’t get hurt or caught up in the drama.  It is necessary when you need to protect yourself.  Buddha looked at detachment as a way to protect oneself from suffering.  Detachment is neither kind or unkind, it is neutral.

If you are involved with someone who has issues with addiction it is necessary to detach so that you do not get caught up and become sick with the addict.  Over the past few months I have been struggling with this.  There is someone I love very much who is an addict and I have had to learn to detach so that I can bring some normalcy and control back into my life.  I have had to learn what I can and can not control.   This is not easy and you can very easily attach again and try to fix something which is not in your control to fix.  I have to keep reminding myself that I control what I say, feel and how I behave.  I have had to learn what is my problem and what is not my problem.  It is very easy to lose yourself when dealing with an addict.  What has been very helpful to me is this quote, “You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection” ~Buddha   In dealing with addiction I have to remember to care for myself as well, this is also very important if you are a caregiver.  Caregivers tend to give the best to their patient and lose sight of caring for themselves.

On the brighterside I am thankful for the lesson I am learning and I know that this only makes me stronger.  Life can be a struggle but when you pull through you can look back and see how much better you have become as a person.




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Your Priorities

It has been many many months since I have written on this site, perhaps it is because life is always so busy and other things always take a priority.  Writing I think is the best way to keep you grounded and for me aware of what is going on in my internal environment.  Thank you everyone who reads this site, my goal has always been to put something positive out there to help someone.  Perhaps the thought this week is to think about your priorities and what is important to you.  It is important to nurture what you love ❤️ and to have balance in all things that you do.  I do enjoy this blog and it is time to get back to my weekly writing.

Enjoy your week everyone and think about what is important to you and how you prioritize it😀


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Making Peace

As I travel through life I have learned through experience that the best thing you can do for peace of mind and a healthy body is to make peace with the past.  It is not in our best interest to hold on to past grudges or things that make you angry or sad.

Sometimes there may not be a resolution with others but in helping yourself you have to find a way to move forward and to let it go.  This is never an easy process but one of the first steps is the accept what happened and your responsibility with it.  You may also have to find a way to forgive either yourself of the other person.   Also try not to think or obsess about what has happened since that sucks the joy out the moment you are in now.

Sometimes it just takes time for something or someone to heal and move forward.

Remember you are doing it for yourself not someone else.




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So in the next few months I will turn 45.  Okay, so where did all that time go?  I was just 20 yesterday.  My mind thinks I am 12 but my body is realizing that I am getting older.  I see additional wrinkles, body parts are heading south and the middle age spread has occurred, never mind the raging hormones.  This is all just part of the aging process.  I may not like losing my youth but I am loving living this life and all it has to offer.

In my life there have been influential people that have been older than me and I have watched them  embrace life in such a way that I never forgot how they lived or what they did.  How awesome to have a grandma that can go skiing with you.  Or a grandpa what can roller blade with you.  I have seen older people that embrace life and live it fully.   They are never fearful to take vacations away from their home, learn new things or to step out of their comfort zone.  I often wonder if this is a lesson that we learn later rather than earlier in life.   Either way I am thankful that I have realized this now.

So my positive thought is “Embrace life, live it to the fullest, have fun, be kind and enjoy”


Ageless Soul

forever young    After spending a week in a nursing home caring for a close friend I came to realize that we are all very young on the inside.  None of us want to age or grow old.  Unfortunately this is part of the aging process and is meant to teach us a valuable lesson.  I ponder what that lesson may be.  Perhaps it is a chance for others to give back to you and show you how much they care for you and your well being.  This of course could be different for each person.  I hope my week with my friend showed him that I cared for him and his well being.  We must remember just because someone’s body is older doesn’t mean that their mental state is older.  I do believe our soul remains “forever young”.

Not quite a positive thought for the week but something to ponder.  ~Sara



we all have a choice

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking about choices.  How many times do you hear someone say they “don’t have a choice”?  This can refer to a job, family situation or friends.  We always have a choice.  We can choose to stay in a job we dislike, choose to stay with someone, choose what we want to do.  People will say they don’t have a choice because it is easier to stay where they are at and not make a major move or shake things up.  It is also easier to say you don’t have a choice because choosing causes you to take responsibility and accountability for your actions.  When we make the decision to have a choice we give ourselves freedom and power over our actions.  Think about it next time you comment that you don’t have a choice,  remember that you do and that you are choosing to do something because of the consequences and outcome that it brings.  Remember having a choice gives you freedom.  Have a wonderful week.  ~Sara


Standing Alone

There are times when we are put in situations that challenge our feelings, morals and ethics.   The decision we must make  is a tough one and may put us in the line of fire with friends, colleagues, family or neighbors.  How many of you have been put in this position?  I am sure we all have at one time or another.  Some people make their decisions based on other’s opinions or thoughts.  Some people fear standing alone for what they believe in and tend to get lost  following the crowd.  I am here to tell you that it is OKAY to stand alone for what you believe in.  We need people who are willing to take a stand for what they believe.  Just one person doing this can make a difference and inspire courage and change.

right choice to stand alone

That is my STAY POSITIVE thought for this week.



Don’t wait for it to hurt

In life I believe that we tend to hold on to unhealthy jobs, relationships or situations because we are fearful to move forward or unsure how to go about it.  Many times we may find ourselves in a relationship that is bringing us down or it is taking all we have just to stay up.  We also tend to stay in jobs where we feel miserable or under valued.    A business consultant once told me that people won’t make changes until they have felt enough emotional pain.  When we have reached our  threshold for  pain that is what will cause us to move forward and to make the necessary changes.  I do believe this to be very true based on my own life and observation .  I would like to encourage you to think about your situation or relationships/job.  Are you just enduring or are you happy and satisfied?   When we finally do move on and look back for reflection  we often wish we had moved on sooner  Please be forever evaluating your life and your current needs/wants.  Please don’t wait until your pain threshold takes you forward, do it  before you get to that point.  Always evaluate and make adjustments when needed and move on when you find that you are not happy or unsatisfied.

That is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.  ~Sara


I may not like you, but I will find something to like about you

All of us come across people who we like and those that we don’t like.  With so many people in the world you aren’t going to like everyone.  My mother used to say ” Sara, you don’t like all the dresses in a dress shop people are the same way”   So what do we do with those people in our lives who we don’t like?  We have them at church, work, school and our community.  Well,  here is a positive way to go about it.  I try to find something that I like or admire about everyone.  Sometimes this is hard, sometimes this is easy.  Just like the dress shop I may like the fabrics, colors or accessories I just don’t like it as a whole. Try looking at others the same way as the dress shop.

I have found that seeking the positive in others is most  helpful for me  in work situations.  We all know the challenges of working  with others and getting a job well done. When I am seeking a quality that I like and focusing  on it, it  helps me to have a pleasant  attitude and to feel  positive about that person, this then leads to a better working relationship.

Keep seeking the best in others and watch how relationships change as well as your feelings towards them.

Well, that is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.  ~Sara


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The Christmas Spirit

It’s almost Christmas.  I love the spirit of giving that is in the air.  I  love the hustle and bustle in the stores and the energy spent trying to find that perfect gift for  the person I love.  I relish in the time spent with family and friends.  I  always look forward to the bounty of food that will be available. I am always excited to watch others open their presents and see their joyful expressions.    This is  definitely  my favorite holiday and it seems to last all month long.    Upon reflection today I thought about this holiday and what it means to me.   Christmas to me is time to cherish your friends, family and realize  just how blessed your really are.   Remember that people matter, not things, it’s the thoughts that count not the money or how much you spend.  I always get a renewed hope in humanity when I see people coming together to help one another, or to do multiple acts of  kindness.  As a child I always wished that  the Christmas spirit lasted all year long.  This year for myself I hope to keep that spirit alive all year long.  I won’t  get caught up in the day to day duties  of life but  instead keep  the spirit of love and generosity  in my heart so that I may be more helpful, more thoughtful.  I encourage all of you to keep this spirit alive all year long as well.  Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

This is my STAY POSITIVE thought for this week. ~ Sara

merry xmas