On the Brighter Side

A place to feel motivated and inspired ♥

Happy Thanksgiving

happy thanksgivingHere we are again my favorite holiday. I don’t have to buy gifts, fuss with wrapping them or be concerned if people will like their presents.  No hussle no bussle.  Just a wonderful time to relax enjoy good food and loving family.   I also like to use this time to reflect on all the things I am grateful for such as my health, family and my home.   Not just Thanksgiving but everyday it is important to take a moment to be thankful for what you have.    Life is full of so many changes and challenges it is important to enjoy and be thankful for where you are and what you have.   Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and THANK YOU for taking the time to read my blog.




Facebook “On The Brighter Side”

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Here is my story as to why I started my facebook page called On the Brighter Side.  I have to say that I started my blog for the same reasons and also to help improve my writing.  I find it easy to write  quotes or little blips but it is more of a challenge for me to write my thoughts or longer stories.

The creation of Facebook has brought so much love, joy and connection into my life.  I am so thankful for its invention.  Without it I wouldn’t have this wonderful story to tell you.

I created my page “On the Brighter Side” out of a deep need to help others, to be creative and as an outlet for me to just be me.  I love being a wife and mother but with my daughter growing up and becoming less dependent on me, I could feel a change in what I needed for myself.  I had a booming career at one time, but it took a backseat due to the commitment I felt to be the best Mom I could be, but again as things change so did my own needs.  I was and am still employed at very large dental office but I have always felt that my presence is undervalued.  I have never felt part of the team or that I was making any kind of impact to help others or propel the practice forward like I had with my past employers. Having the need to make a difference and help somewhere I turned to Facebook.   I am an avid reader and received a Kindle for Christmas from my husband.  I began reading multiple books from independent authors.  I saw that they had Facebook pages and I began to interact and express my appreciation for their writing.  I soon became friendly with one author in particular.  I enjoyed encouraging and helping him with his work. One of his books was not selling well and he seemed almost like he was about to give up so I began encouraging him and attempting to help him realized how very gifted and talented he really was.  After several months I was truly shocked to see that in one of his books he wrote kind words about me in his dedication.  I was amazed that due to my kindness and wanting to be encouraging I had actually helped someone.  Someone actually took what I said and it helped to empower them to achieve something.  I was truly amazed.  I began offering more support and making several more author friends.  I truly felt I was making a difference but I wanted to do more.  I saw all the interaction on their fan pages and decided to create my own.


“On the Brighter Side” was born August 2011.  At the time I decided this would be a place where I would keep inspiring quotes, pictures etc and share them with my fans.  Little did I know that I was on a journey of self enlightenment.  I made my page a place where everyone is important and I show that by responding to every comment. I respond with a “like” or a kind word.  I made it my mission that I would share things that warmed my heart or made me feel good. I also felt very strongly that my page would be about others, not a place for me to vent or talk about my private life.   I began buying all kinds of quote and self help books, and I began exploring other inspirational Facebook pages.  All this research and posting slowly began to change me in more ways than one.


I have always been the type of person who if I really wanted something bad enough I found a way to get it.  I have always tried to look at the brighter side of life and learn from my mistakes, embarrassment and heartache.  I will admit my fear is really what has held me back from many opportunities in my life.  Believe it or not my page is what has been the pumice to my soul.  It has encouraged me to let my light shine.


Spending about 2-3 hours a day reading and writing about positivity, I must say it began to rub off and everyday I felt better, I felt happier, I felt like it is okay to just be me no matter what.  As I began to feel this on a day by day basis, I believe I became more accepting of myself and I felt happier.  I began to care less and less what people thought and more about what I thought.  I was friendlier, more out going and more willing to help out others.  I was becoming liberated.  I just needed to shine my soul with a little bit of self confidence.  All of this can sound very selfish but I believe it is not.  When I am happier and feel free I am willing to give so much more of my time and energy to those around me. I am always making a conscious effort to be helpful and kind to someone else.  I must also acknowledge another awesome thing that my page has brought into my life and that is the sense of connection.  My fans may not realize this but I have found encouragement, friendship and support from other page owners.  The other page owners have also encouraged me to be a better page owner.  I am more aware of page etiquette, sharing and what is respectable in the Facebook community.  By trying to encourage others and help others I really in turn helped myself without realizing it until later.  The quote by James M. Barrie really is true “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves”.  I really have done this. I want to express that my fans have really made a tremendous impact on me as well.  I have been encouraged since day one with all the likes and comments.  It was so motivating to see that people liked what I had to say and liked my ideas.  I let myself shine and the world accepted and encouraged me.


The positive reinforcement I have felt from fans, friends and other page owners has motivated me to compliment my page by writing a book.  I am in the process of writing my first inspirational book.  My hope is to inspire others to find the light within them. Everyone here is important, everyone matters.  I believe that if everyone just accepted themselves and loved who they are then the world could be a better place.  People would feel better, they could achieve what they want to achieve, whether it is small or large it doesn’t matter. Once you realize you have this power within your reach you can make great things happen.  The biggest obstacle I think is to just believe in you.  Hopefully my page and my new book will continue to help and motivate others along with myself.   I want to express that I have been completely out of my comfort zone with this process.  It is always scary to be in the public’s eye and much easier to stay hidden.  But in order to grow and learn new things I must push myself to attempt new challenges.  My goal is to have my book available December 2012.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story.  I appreciate the opportunity to be able to share it in this venue. I hope it encourages you to find your own inner light and to realize how truly amazing and wonderful you are.  Once you believe in yourself, have passion and work hard anything is possible.



The Christmas Spirit

It’s almost Christmas.  I love the spirit of giving that is in the air.  I  love the hustle and bustle in the stores and the energy spent trying to find that perfect gift for  the person I love.  I relish in the time spent with family and friends.  I  always look forward to the bounty of food that will be available. I am always excited to watch others open their presents and see their joyful expressions.    This is  definitely  my favorite holiday and it seems to last all month long.    Upon reflection today I thought about this holiday and what it means to me.   Christmas to me is time to cherish your friends, family and realize  just how blessed your really are.   Remember that people matter, not things, it’s the thoughts that count not the money or how much you spend.  I always get a renewed hope in humanity when I see people coming together to help one another, or to do multiple acts of  kindness.  As a child I always wished that  the Christmas spirit lasted all year long.  This year for myself I hope to keep that spirit alive all year long.  I won’t  get caught up in the day to day duties  of life but  instead keep  the spirit of love and generosity  in my heart so that I may be more helpful, more thoughtful.  I encourage all of you to keep this spirit alive all year long as well.  Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

This is my STAY POSITIVE thought for this week. ~ Sara

merry xmas


The Giving Season

As the holiday approaches I can’t help but feel that spirit that goes with it,  that wonderful spirit of giving.   I have always believed it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.  I have always had so much fun and joy giving to others.  However this year I am learning the lesson of allowing others to give to me.  It was brought to my attention that sometimes you have to allow people to give to you, if you don’t then you spoil the joy that they are seeking in giving to you .  This is a hard lesson for me, I honestly never really thought of it like that, but it is so very true. I was recently asked to accept a gift that I thought was overly generous, the person needed my address to send it to me.  I tried dodging it but later it was brought to my attention that I could be spoiling their joy in giving.    My positive thought for this week is enjoy giving to others but allow that joy to be returned by allowing others to give to you.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  STAY POSITIVE ~Sara

Merry Christmas - trees


Thankful for Family

As the American holiday of Thanksgiving approaches I thought it would be an awesome time to show appreciation for family.  We lean on our families in difficult times.  They are the place we go when we are searching for truth and honesty. They are what keeps us up when we are feeling down.  We can fight with them and always  receive  their forgiveness. They are there when we need help and support.   They know who we truly are yet love us anyway.  They are the unit that continues to grow and never fades away.  Take a moment to think about your family and all that they mean to you.  I know that I am truly blessed.  My unit may be small but its not the numbers but the love, support and acceptance that matters.

That is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.  Happy Thanksgiving. ~Sara

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Hold Your Head Up High

Do you ever watch how people walk into a crowded room?  Do they stand tall and proud or do they look down at the ground avoiding eye contact?  You can learn a lot about a person by the way they walk and present themselves.  People walking tall, making eye contact have an air of confidence, while those looking down show a sense of insecurity or shyness.  Even though it can be very intimidating to walk into a crowded area with others watching, I am going to encourage you to stand tall and walk with your head held high.  Walk with a smile that radiates openness and confidence.  I understand it can be hard but a little trick to use is to pretend you are a queen or king and the people around you love and adore you.  Sometimes pretending to act a certain way helps you gain confidence for the next experience.  Another trick if you are very uncomfortable is to repeat positive affirmations while you are doing something. Here are a few for this situation.  “Keep my head held high, smile be open and others will too.” or “I am a unique and wonderful being, if I smile and be open others will too.  Always remember you are a wonderful, unique and one of a kind who should always hold your head up high and be proud for who you are and what you have to offer.

Here is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.

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A Thankful Start

I think the best way to wake up every morning is to say “thank you ” for all the people and things that are in your life.  I think it is important to take stock of what you have and what you have accomplished and to be thankful for it.  So many times we are just going through life and fail to realized just how fortunate we really are.  We tend to compare our lives with those around us and miss out on what is right in front of us.  Next time you rise in the morning (grab the coffee) and take a moment to be thankful for where you are and what you have.  I bet it will help make a positive start for your day.

That is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.


Take a gander into your past.

As you move forward in life take a gander into your past so you can see how far you have come.

I think it is very important to take time to reflect on what you have learned, accomplished and created.  Treat reflecting on your past like a walk on the beach.  Picture yourself as you walk on the beach and you see a place that you want to visit.  It looks close but it’s really far away.  You keep walking and walking until you finally reach it. You look back and “wow” can’t believe I’ve walked that far.  Look at your past in the same way.  Look at all you have learned, your accomplishments, your family and friends. Reflect on all the positive things that have brought you to this point in your life.  It is never helpful to look back with regrets or self defeating thoughts.  See all the positive.    Every experience is a lesson to teach us about ourselves and others.  Every lesson has brought us to where were are today.

This is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.


It’s Okay to Ask for Help…

“When I need help I ask, when others need help I give it”  Sara

Many people feel that asking for assistance is a sign of weakness. I believe it is a sign of strength. When you ask for help whether on a project, to move furniture or advice on a problem, you are acknowledging the  fact that you have limitations and that you need others.  We are all very knowledgeable  in certain areas but not in all,  so we need each other.

Sometimes there are very stubborn people in the world (like myself)  who resist the urge to ask for help and do it all themselves.  I believe at times this is okay because it pushes us to learn and grow.  However when you begin to stumble, feel burned out, or your project isn’t going well  it’s important to acknowledge it and realize  it is okay to”ask” and most people are more than willing to lend a helping hand.

On the flip side there are also people in this world who are always asking for help and never learn to to do things for themselves.  Those people I believe are selling themselves short.  A little struggle is good, it helps us  to grow and learn.It is best to keep a balance.  Attempt things on your own first, if you find you are at a standstill acknowledge your needs and ask for some help.

Here is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week.


My Attitude=POSITIVE

Being a positive person doesn’t mean I don’t ever feel angry or sad.  It doesn’t mean I am always in a good mood.  It means that I acknowledge how I feel, analyze why and I figure out what I can do with it so that I can move forward. Being positive is a way of life and an attitude. There are times when I want to vent or have a pity party.  I limit it to just a few minutes since feeling sorry for myself really isn’t very productive.  I think it is important to feel what you are feeling and don’t deny it. Figure out why your are feeling that way and work through it.  What happened? What can I do about it?  If there is nothing you can do then ask yourself what did I learn from it?  Move forward, change the way you feel by changing your thoughts.  Think about something else.  Have your inner dialect move on to a different subject.

Being a positive person I am not ALWAYS happy.  I look at the brighter side of every situation and move forward in a positive light.  I remember things could always be worse and I count my blessings.  I remember every problem is my challenge and I will grow and learn from it.

This is my STAY POSITIVE thought for the week ♥

Please feel free to comment below.  I do appreciate the feedback ♥